Summary of Task Order Projects : 06 - 10
Task Order 06 - Improved Nonlinear Static Analysis of Multiple Degree-of-Freedom Systems
The primary objective of this project is to address the second of three unresolved issues from FEMA 440, which is related to improvement of simplified nonlinear modeling considering multiple-degree-of-freedom effects. Work will include an extensive literature search to identify the body of research on nonlinear static analysis and consideration of MDOF effects that has been generated since FEMA 440 was published. [more]
Task Order 07 - Development of Technical Brief on Structural Design Issues Reinforced Concrete Diaphragm Systems
The primary objective of this task is to produce a new techbrief addressing the analysis and design of reinforced concrete diaphragms for buildings. This techbrief will be a synthesis of model building code requirements and leading practitioner-recognized techniques, resulting in clear and concise analysis, design, and construction guidance for use by structural engineers. [more]
Task Order 08 - Development of Technical Brief on Structural Design Issues Guidelines for Performing Nonlinear Structural Analysis
The primary objective of this task is to produce a new techbrief addressing the application of current commercially available software and other analytical tools for conducting nonlinear structural analysis modeling for seismic design of buildings. This techbrief will be a synthesis of nonlinear structural modeling and analysis techniques that have been developed by researchers and leading practitioners, resulting in clear and concise analytical guidance for use by structural engineers. Both nonlinear static procedures (NSPs) and nonlinear dynamic procedures (NDPs) will be considered for inclusion in the techbrief, along with such issues as joint modeling techniques, damping, energy dissipation, strength and stiffness degradation, P-Delta effects, and techniques to enhance accuracy and mathematical stability. [more]
Task Order 09 - Improved Procedures for Selecting and Scaling Earthquake Ground Motions for Performing Time-History Analyses
The primary objective of this task is to develop guidance for selecting, generating, and scaling earthquake ground motions for effective use in performing response history analyses, such that ground motion uncertainties do not dominate the accuracies of these analyses. The project should also identify areas of research that are needed to further improve the guidance that is developed. [more]
Task Order 10 - Improved Procedures for Characterizing and Modeling Soil-Structure Interaction for Performance-Based Seismic Engineering
The primary objective of this task is to develop guidance for implementing soil-structure interaction in response history analyses, such that input ground motions accurately reflect both site geotechnical conditions and foundation impedance associated with the building under consideration. The project should also identify areas of research that are needed to further improve the guidance that is developed. [more]