Projects : Task Order 30
Assessment of the Performance of Slender Reinforced Concrete Walls Under Significant Lateral Loads
The primary objective of this task is to engage a small committee to provide technical support for this NIST research project. This committee will provide subject matter expert guidance to improve the technical detail and outcome of the project scope. It will provide technical support on wall testing, evaluation of test results, evaluation of nonlinear structural behavior of walls, assessment of results and conclusions, and review of proposed codes and standards changes.
Work to be carried out under this task order includes: (1) project management and oversight, including the selection and confirmation of key project personnel; (2) preparation of a Project Work Plan; (3) scheduling of periodic project meetings; and (4) assignment of an on-site research advisor.
Work excluded from this task order that is typically included in other task orders under the overarching contract includes: (1) preparation of periodic progress reports; (2) presentation of inperson status reports; and (3) preparation of a NIST grant contract report (GCR).
The following members of the Project Management Advisory Committee are proposed, subject to confirmation by the Joint Venture Program Committee and approval by NIST:
• Project Director and Chair: Dawn Lehman, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington (researcher with extensive experience in experimental investigations of reinforced concrete
shear walls)
• Practitioner Advisor: Joseph Maffei, Rutherford & Chekene, San Francisco, California (practitioner with extensive experience in design of reinforced concrete wall structures and code development)
• Researcher Advisor: (TBD) with extensive experience in testing and research on reinforced concrete shear wall structures (TBD).